Obama's representative questioned Donald Trump claim , for call recording said it 'just lie'

Obama's representative questioned  Donald Trump  claim , for call recording said it 'just lie'

President Donald Trump on Saturday blamed angry Former President Barack Obama for the organization, "Nixon / Watergate" conspiracy to use phones in its headquarters Trump Tower, on the eve of elections in the autumn of last year, does not provide any evidence in support of his explosive statements and failure pulling Obama from office.

Balancing an extraordinary statement of his predecessor in the series of four tweets early morning, Trump said Obama put it, "pushing" an office in New York, and suggested that mixed with the "sacred electoral process." The alleged actions of Obama, said Trump or McCarthyism.

"A bad (or sick) boy!" President 45A tweeted about 44 °, arguing that efforts to oversight led to "no results."

Senior US officials with knowledge of the vast Russian intervention in the election of the federal investigation, which began during the election campaign last year, said on Saturday that any interception of Trump.

Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama, said in a statement:. "There has been a fundamental rule of the official White House, Obama is calling for an independent investigation of the Ministry of Justice, in accordance with the practice, and not President Obama or the White House never ordered surveillance of every citizen of the United States of America. It's just no other sentence is not false."

Officials of the Ministry of Justice and the FBI declined to comment.

According to senior administration officials, the White House adviser Donald McGahn and office investigates potential candidate Trump observation and then be sensitive to legal certainty and national. "They will be managed properly," the official said.

He could not immediately determine whether there is someone at the Trump orbit wiretapping probe may be the subject of Russia. Senator Christopher Coons, D-Del., Said MSNBC on Friday that he believes that the "transcription" as if Russian officials show in collusion with the campaign Trump.

No foreign intelligence probe heard should not be directed to the postal legal structures without probable cause - Review of federal judges - that the phone lines or Internet addresses used by the agents of a foreign power or someone is spying or acting on behalf of a foreign government.

Ben Rhodes, a longtime Obama's national security adviser, the Trump tweeted: "No president can not intercept such restrictions order not been put in place to protect the public from people like you.".

Trump is not its employees or provide any citation to support his claim about Obama. The President may be inspired by the history of the site and Breitbart comments by conservative talk radio host Mark Levin said that the Obama administration has used the tactic of "state police" to monitor the Trump team.

Breitbart story is common among high-level on Friday and Saturday Trump in advance and can be Trump responsive enough to read the game, when he took his favorite megaphone, Twitter, your statement on the tube.

Trump dotted Tweet general feeling shared by the president, his advisers and allies that Obama and the "deep state" criticism of the intelligence community believe that the stories that feed about Trump and Russia were conspiring to derail his presidency, in the center of each tweet that belief President Obama Trump - in contrast to the members of his administration - personally monitor the observation of the Trump Tower.

According to media reports the Conservatives - Sean Hannity show on Fox News Infowars, conspiracy site is managed by Alex Jones, two points, which saw Trump - the last days of history occur, many of which are false or foundation, Obama and his neighbor business entrusted his sleeve, to try to encourage impeach or force him to resign.

But other than that, then the President angry that the slow abandonment of opening communication between the Attorney General Jeff sessions, the national security adviser, ousted Michael Flynn and other members of the Russian officials Trump and overshadowed the first few weeks of administration. And it grew to identify a technology.
